Remember that book you read in school that changed your life? You vowed that a copy of that book would be on your bookshelf until the day you died.
How about that copy of a book all your friends passed around, and when you finally got to read it, you lied and said you lost the book, just so you could keep it -
it was that good!.
Or the book that just spoke to you like nothing else ever did. As you read, you swore the author had found a way to read minds, because it described you better than you could.
This is Gibbee.
Books have such a profound impact in our lives — in the way we think, how we look at other people, where we choose to go in our careers and relationships, what social causes we get involved in. Books add depth and color to our lives. They broaden our understanding, our feelings, our curiosity, our passions.
This is Gibbee.
You can't find Gibbee in just any book. It has to speak to you. It has to move you. It has to permeate your thoughts. Gibbee won't be the same for everyone, and it will change with age and experience. When I was a young girl, Gibbee was Nancy Drew and Sherlock Holmes. I loved the suspense. I loved the logic. I learned it was ok to admit you were smart — in fact, it was very cool! As a young adult, I found Gibbee in
The Tiny One by Eliza Minot. It was
amazing to see how her writing style, linking memories and experiences together one after another, was the way I
thought about memories and experiences. It was as if, given the chance, she could write down my thoughts as they came to me. As I grow older, I find Gibbee in new books and genre that I wouldn't have ever considered reading before. I relate to things differently, I think about things differently, and it's so exciting to find Gibbee in places I never thought it would be.
What is your Gibbee?